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Import a CSV file

Learn how to format a CSV file to import jobs

Jason Charnes avatar
Written by Jason Charnes
Updated over a week ago

The CSV Uploader enables a way to bulk-upload jobs at no additional charge.

However, CSV files are notoriously fickle, so it's important to ensure yours is structured properly. Take a moment to validate:

  1. The first row in your CSV file is a list of column headers

  2. The column headers are spelled correctly

  3. The required fields are not blank

  4. Fields have valid data

  5. The file is a CSV format

    • (Excel files are not supported, currently)

Required fields

  • job title

  • job type

    • Accepted values:

      • fulltime

      • parttime

      • contract

      • temporary

      • volunteer

      • internship

  • company name

  • job location

    • Accepted values:

      • remote

      • onsite

      • hybrid

  • description

    • Can be plain text or HTML

  • post length

    • The number of days to publish the job

    • Ex. 30

  • post state

    • Accepted values:

      • draft

      • published

      • expired

      • pending

      • rejected

  • apply url

    • Can be left blank if apply email is provided

  • apply email

    • Can be left blank if apply url is provided

Optional Fields

  • company url

  • company logo

    • A URL to the company's logo

  • office location

    • Required if a job is onsite or hybrid

    • Ex: Memphis, TN

  • location limits

    • Countries or Continents applicants can apply from

    • Ex. United States, Canada, Mexico

    • Leave this blank if anyone can apply

  • salary minimum

    • Minimum salary for the position

    • Ex. 10,000.00

  • salary maximum

    • Maximum salary for the position

    • Ex. 20,000.00

  • salary currency

    • Required if a salary minimum or maximum is provided

    • Ex. USD

  • salary schedule

    • Required if a salary minimum or maximum is provided

    • Accepted values:

      • yearly

      • monthly

      • weekly

      • daily

      • hourly

  • highlighted:

    • Accepted values:

      • true

      • false

  • sticky

    • Accepted values:

      • true

      • false

  • category name

    • Must match a category name you've defined in Job Boardly

  • date posted

    • When the job was originally posted

    • Ex. 2024-04-01


  • Either "apply url" or "apply email" must be provided

  • If either salary minimum or maximum is provided:

    • salary currency must be specified

    • salary schedule must be specified

  • Job location must be: remote, onsite, or hybrid

  • Post state must be: draft, published, expired, pending, or rejected

  • Salary schedule, if provided, must be: yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly

  • Dates should be in a standard format (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD)

  • Boolean fields (highlighted, sticky) should use true or false

  • Ensure all required fields are filled for each record in your CSV file

  • Optional fields can be left blank if not applicable

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